A New Home for Food Content.

Test the Picnix app to share good eats and restaurant recommendations with the people you trust

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"I don't post food content on my profile because I think people would find it annoying"

"No one cares"

"People want to see pictures of me, not my food"

We hear it all the time.

Try Picnix today to share and discover 🔥 food content and restaurant recommendations that you can trust.

What problem does your product solve?

Describe your customer’s biggest, most expensive pain point. Use the same words they use when talking about it. Drive it home with emotion.

#1 Feature

Present the main benefit of your top feature

Describe the feature in two or three sentences. Explain how it works and why your product does this best.

#2 Feature

Combat the top objection readers may have

Explain how your product solves that

Use bullet points to break it up

Into short, easier chunks to read

#3 Feature

What is unique about your product? Why does it matter?

Don’t talk about the feature itself. Your leads don’t care about it, only what it does for them. So talk about the benefits it provides.

Be the first to try Picnix

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Check out @picnixeats on Instagram for more.
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Need support or have questions? Contact adamr@picnix.app
Colors by Open Color
Icons by Feather Icons
Illustrations by Ouch
Built on Webflow
Check Julian Shapiro’s guide
Check out Harry’s tips